Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Fun with modern philosophy

“If there is no God, then I am God!”,  says a Dostoyevskian mad man in one of his great novels, The Possessed (Kirilov, part 3, Ch. 6, A Busy Night). If one were forced to define the essence of secular modernity in a line---a bumper sticker definition---this would be the best among all the other contenders. Modernity, and secular-modern life in general, in the West (its authentic home) and in the non-West, is essentially marked for its Godless character, for the absence of any sense of the Sacred. It is peculiarly neglectful of transcendence; it has this total disregard for the Biblical axiom that says, “Man shall not live by bread alone…” (Mathew 4:4). Indeed, modern man lives by bread and bread alone.*

“God is dead” pronounced that "illuminated psychopath" Friedrich Nietzsche in the 19th century. And, therefore, “Man is God” on earth. Given the colonial, imperialist and racist history of much of the past couple of centuries, this new "man" is actually the modern, Western white (and now, the whitewashed) man. With this death of the “object”---or of objective Reality of which man has always been a shadow, a reflection or image and form on earth in the millennial sacred traditions---modern man moved toward a Kantian subjectivity. Objectivity is denied and we are left to indulge in our subjectivities. This is also the beginning of modern philosophical relativism and, in a sense, of nihilism.

Postmodernism (PoMo), which is the current condition of this modern man, now screams: “This man, this God-killing modern Western man, is dead!” PoMo and its prophets of suspicion have now murdered the already sick and violent subject of modernity, too! (the “de-centered subject” as it is known in the academia) With its “anything goes” Weltanschauung, the PoMo superhero moves a step closer to nihilism. The absurdity of PoMo can be summed up as follows: “There is no Truth. There is no ultimate Reality, no God. And this is the Truth!”  (postmodernism is, therefore, self-defeating)

For Nietzsche “Power is Truth”. Man is “will to power”. Further, there is no truth: there are only interpretations. “Truth is a mobile army of metaphors…truths are illusions” said the man.  Nietzsche’s follower, Michel Foucault, a giant of the PoMo pantheon, stretches this suspicion further: Truth is nothing but a construction of power. Power defines what is true and what is real. 'Truth' is to be understood as a system of ordered procedures for the production, regulation, distribution, circulation and operation of statements. 'Truth' is linked in a circular relation with systems of power which produce and sustain it, and to effects of power which it induces and which extend it. These systems are called regimes of truth. Now, contrast this with what the perennial Tradition of man, or authentic religions say: Truth is power (right is might, and that vincit, omnia veritas). Only Truth (Haqq) IS: everything else is mere interpretation.
Before Nietzsche, Kant—the so-called “philosophers’ philosopher”---said (in words to that effect): “We can never know noumena (things in themselves, things as they really are) because our perception stops us from having a pure and undiluted access to it. In other words, Ultimate Reality or God is impossible!  What this sage of Konigsberg was saying amounts to this:  “I cannot jump and slam dunk. So, there is no such thing as the sport of basketball!” (this is the famous epistemic turn of modern Western philosophy after which modern man became solely concerned with how questions of epistemology and forgot all abut ontology, which Heidegger tried to revive in the twentieth century). This man, Immanuel Kant, never left his small European town where he lived, never met a non-European, but was not hesitant, just like his predecessor David Hume, to pronounce Eurocentric and even racist evaluations of Africans and other peoples. The millennial traditions of Asians and Africans with their rich and diverse ways of knowing, doing and being amounted to nothing to him! Says Bruno Berard about Kant in a recent article:

If, in philosophy, there is a 'before an after Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), this is because he has inverted the meaning of intelligence (Verstand) and reason (Vernunft) as understood by all preceding philosophers: from Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Leibnitz, Malebranche, and beyond, all said to labor under an illusion which he (Kant) alone was able to recognize and dispel!

Frithjof Schuon adds, on Kant and Kantianism, as follows: 'If we take the example of a doctrine which is apparently completely intellectual and inaccessible to the emotions namely Kantianism, considered as the archetype of theories seemingly divorced from all poetry we shall have no difficulty in discovering that its starting point or “dogma” is reducible to a gratuitous reaction against all that lies beyond the reach of reason acting alone; it voices therefore, a priori an instinctive revolt against truths which are incomprehensible rationally and which are considered annoying on account of their very inaccessibility to ordinary reasoning. All the rest is nothing but dialectical scaffolding, ingenious or “brilliant” if you wish, but contrary to truth. What is crucial in Kantianism is not its pro domo logic and its few very limited lucidities, but the predominantly “irrational” desire to limit the intelligence which it voices; this results in a dehumanization of intelligence and opens the door to all the inhuman aberrations of our century. In short, if the state of man earns the possibility of surpassing oneself intellectually, Kantianism is the negation of all that is essentially and integrally human.' (F. Schuon, Reflections on Ideological Sentimentalism)

Whereas modernism says “God is abstract / is an abstraction; we are the real/reality”, authentic, revealed religions say, “God is the Real; we are the abstraction”.  Cogito ergo sum ( “I think, therefore, I am”) said Descartes, the father of modern rationalism and of modern philosophy.  Cogito, ergo Est ("I think, therefore God is” or "Because God is, I can, therefore, think") say the sacred religious traditions of man.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, the great Austrian-German philosopher who was most responsible for giving this modern philosophy a "linguistic turn", focused on the limits of language and ended up saying:  “The limit of my language is the limit of my world” and that “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” For him, all reality is nothing but constructions of language, nothing but language games; truth, reality, goodness----all are social, linguistic constructions. “A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes”, he went on to say before his death. Heidegger, another well known continental philosopher of the twentieth century also confirmed this kind of linguistic determinism when he said, "Language is the house of being." Hans Gadamer was only too happy to agree: "Being that can be understood is language."

Jacque Derrida, perhaps the greatest of the PoMo thinkers, dresses his similar suspicions differently. Says he: “There is nothing outside the text.” By “text”, he does not mean just some written book. Everything is a “text” for him: books, works of art, history, man, truth, beauty, goodness and so on---the so- called grand narratives---texts that must be read and, because they are all arbitrary constructions, they must be endlessly “deconstructed”. We are, therefore, stuck in this never ending exercise of constructions-deconstructions-constructions-deconstructions... 
Despite its claims to be "after" or "post" modernity, postmodern relativism which a Muslim thinker has aptly called the New Jahilliya, is actually a form of late modernity---as many Marxists have insisted---a continuation of its worst tendencies, especially atheistic ones even as it puts efforts into developing a PoMo “death of God theology!” But to deny the existence of God is to see the wave and deny the existence of the ocean. To deny God is to see a speck of dust and deny space. To insist on asking for the “proofs” of God is to be like that naïve, little fish that asks its mother for the proof of the existence of water. The fact that we can actually ask such questions is the proof of God is something that is never entertained by the profane(d) mind!

* Note: I use the word “man” in these blogposts in the old sense of the word, as homo and as al-insan, which is inclusive of both the sexes of the species.

For more, please click: Chacha (uncle) MarxOn Solitude

The unexamined life

The Canadian writer Henry Giroux reports that, ”plastic surgeons in the United States have seen a surge in demand for procedures ranging from eye-lid lifts to rhinoplasty, popularly known as nose job, from patients seeking to improve their image in selfies and on social media”. Moreover, he says,   “A search on photo sharing app Instagram retrieves over 23 million photos uploaded with the hashtag #selfie, and a whopping 51 million with the hashtag #me. Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Madonna are all serial uploaders of selfies. Model Kelly Brook took so many she ended up ‘banning’ herself!”.

In a previous blog (On noise and solitude), I ended my piece with a twist on Descartes’ Cogito. I start this one with another pun on that famous uttering (Cogito ergo sum---I think, therefore I am) of the father of modern rationalism, but this time with the voice of the late Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman who once described this aspect of the social media phenomenon like this: “I am seen, therefore I exist!”—or, the more people see me, “like” me and “like” what I post, share and forward, the more I am. Image is now everything. Visibility, a la image, is existence and graphic promiscuity is the highest and purest form of being. “It takes real practice to appear authentic!” as one prolific Facebook user opines.  
A friend has asked me to say something about the digital plague of narcissism and celebrity obsessed exhibitionism that is engulfing whole societies like a deadly squid. Most people when asked say that they join social media to “keep in touch with family and friends”. That makes sense but many naively think of platforms like Facebook, or Twitter, as one big phone directory---or that only. Studies have shown that within days and weeks of signing up, for most people the boundaries of that raison d’etre extend to include all sorts of other justifications for a plethora of obnoxious online activities. There are reasons for these and also consequences.

A feature of modern living is the complaint of boredom and depression. Young people are especially prone to these malaises. Traditional cultures---societies where secular modernity has not made deep inroads yet----lack words for these modern pathologies of the soul. There is no Urdu word for boredom, for example. The very ideas and concepts are alien to these societies. A word or an idea is often preceded by a condition: no condition, no word for it. As the psychologist John F. Schumaker has shown in his meticulous studies, most of the cases of depression are actually cases of demoralization which he defines as “a type of existential disorder associated with the breakdown of a person’s cognitive map”.  Schumaker identifies this condition as, “…an overarching psycho-spiritual crisis in which victims feel generally disoriented and unable to locate meaning, purpose or sources of need fulfillment. The world loses its credibility, and former beliefs and convictions dissolve into doubt, uncertainty and loss of direction. Frustration, anger and bitterness are usual accompaniments, as well as an underlying sense of being part of a lost cause or losing battle.” What drives these, he tells us, are, “individualism, materialism, hyper-competition, greed, over-complication, overwork, hurriedness and debt” and whose symptoms are “passivity, short attention spans, over-indulgence and a masturbatory approach to life.” This is the life that sages of old like Socrates and Plato in the Greek tradition and mystics and failasufs in the Islamic world have called the “unexamined life”. In its simplest explanation, this is a lifestyle where man lives a life devoid of any serious reflection, shunning thought and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. It is a form of living that confuses what is essential with what is accidental in life. In those who opt for it, there is a lack of awareness of our true origin and end, of where have we come from and where we are headed. In essence, for Socrates, it was the reality of death that made him utter his famous words and for many Muslim sages, the question of forgetfulness and the truth of afterlife, of aakhirat (ma’ad).
Living an unexamined life results in the loss of a sense of being and belonging. With the encroachment of unrestrained individualism and hedonism, a true sense of community disappears; trust, friendship and intimacy plummet. And, contrary to the belief of digital utopians, those who slavishly worship the god of modern technology, real communities cannot be formed in virtual Internet spaces. Real communities mean having a sense of place, having roots. It means a willingness to share the responsibilities of communal living. There are not only privileges but also burdens; there are rights, but also duties, duty to oneself and to the neighbor. There are consequences, real consequences, of what we say and do to others in real communities. Just like we cannot “unfriend” someone real with the click of a mouse, real communities cannot be erased either by ticking against a “delete and unjoin” option on some drop menu on a digital screen!

In the increasingly angst infested, self-obsessed cultural deserts, young people in particular grow up confused and lost, without any guiding principles or an integrated philosophy of life. Once traditional or religious sources of meaning are destroyed and the inner and outer wells of morality and wisdom are polluted or dried up by the invasive norms of modern consumer culture and its anti-social tricknologies (perversely called “social”) that constantly titillate our lowest desires, people are demoralized and become victims of boredom and depression. Boredom is often a natural outcome of shallow and effortless lifestyle that is on display in the form of digital self-representations on much of the social media: “since nothing lives up to the hype, the world of consumer is actually an ongoing exercise in disappointment”, Schumaker tells us. The resulting sense of futility and powerlessness overwhelm which further leads to self-destructive mindsets and behavior: drug abuse and suicidal tendencies, for example. In the absence of rewarding, interesting or meaningful experiences, these fragile, meaning-starved and unmoored selves snap very easily.

The demoralized “trance generation” of online and offline cultures that feed on celebrity-fed inanities are for the most part “products of invisible parents, commercialized education, cradle-to-grave marketing” a morally, intellectually bankrupt generation celebrating its consumer consciousness “with an insatiable appetite for any technology that can downsize awareness and blunt the emotions” continues Schumaker.
Boredom is essentially meaninglessness of the worst type, a feeling of void within. Traditional cultures have always had ways to counter such inner maladies, for example, through the inculcation of the virtues of qana’at and ridha, or contentment and simplicity, in the individual. Modern consumer culture and its ethos of accumulation, dynamism and perpetual action---“just do it!”---on the other hand, sells us unrestricted hedonism and denigrate the contended soul as “less developed”, “static”, “backward” and “lazy”. The traditional Japanese contrast this mode of restless, fragmented existence with their own when they tell us, “Don’t just do something. Sit there!”

Materialist consumption may give us satisfaction up to a certain limit beyond which things lose their fulfilling potential. The reason for this lies in our very nature, our fitrah, the way we are constituted as human beings, as insan. We all seek meaning but the sources of meaning are not only in the material. To seek satisfaction and meaning in the material only is a sign of an unhealthy self, and which will always lead to psychic numbing and spiritual malaise. All this attachment, all this wanton consumerism, this khud beeni and khud numayee---narcissism---this endless craving and desire for the profane and the trivial eventually lead to suffering of the worst kind, what the Buddhists call dukkha. For Muslims, whose religion has also been called “the religion of married monks” by others, it is a requirement to engage with this world (al-duniya), but we are also constantly cautioned to keep a safe distance from it and not to indulge in it heedlessly: “Be in the world but not of the world”, as the Sufis say. We are to be vigilant, to constantly reflect and examine our thoughts and acts. We must listen to Socrates when he tells us that “an unexamined life is not worth living.’

Note: Saal e nau mubarak to all the readers of this blog. Happy New Year!

Originally published in Balochistan Voices.(The unexamined life)

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