Tuesday, March 12, 2019

TGB: Counsels of a Sufi Master

Source: World Wisdom Books www.worldwisdom.con
“Your wishing to be isolated (from the world) when God has placed you in its midst betrays selfish desire; to wish for the world when God has isolated you from it is evidence of a decline in your aspiration.”

“No act springing from the heart of one who has abandoned the world can be of small account, just as no act deriving from the heart of a covetous man can be of any real consequence.”

“A sin which leaves behind it a sense of humility and helplessness is better than an act of obedience which leads to self-importance and pride.”

“That you should not feel remorse for the missed opportunities of conforming to His will and that you should cease to regret the lapses you have permitted yourself are signs that the heart is dead.”
“When you encounter someone who offers answers to every question, expound on everything he has experienced and reveals all that he knows, you may reasonably conclude that he is ignorant."

 “On waking from sleep the heedless man considers what he will do during the day; the intelligent man considers rather what God will do with him.”
“Whoever considers himself worthy of more than he has is not humble; the humble man sees himself as unworthy even of what is accorded to him.”

“What a terrible setback it is when, having finished your work, you do not turn towards Him, and that, even when obstacles are few, you do not the more eagerly pursue your journey towards Him.”
“Often in giving you something He is (in reality) denying you (something), just as He may, in denying you something, be really bestowing a gift upon you.”

                                            Ibn Ata Allah al-Iskandari al-Shadili

“He who knows God is disinterested in the gifts of God; he who is negligent of God is insatiable for the gifts of God.”  
                                          Shaykh Ahmed Al-Alawi

Truth.    Goodness.     Beauty.

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