Saturday, October 31, 2020

TGB: The Contentions of Abdal Hakim Murad

TGB: The Contentions of Abdal Hakim Murad

Islam is not an extension of your ego.

The noblest form of mercy is to protect others from yourself.

Self-expression? Is your self worth expressing?

Religion can be deformed by only two people: a stupid Muslim or an intelligent priest.

If the culture is sick, then your ease with it is a sign of sickness.

Luxury will persuade you that you are not a psychopath.

Govern the thoughts in your head, or else you will walk around dead.

Third World Christianity: worship a white man, and be saved from your past!

The hijab: a display of modesty.

The New Atheism is built on three pillars: human ego, priestly pederasty and the Wahhabis of Mass Destruction (WMDs).

Who were more anti-Western? The Taliban or the Buddhas of Bamiyan?

She that uses her body to exploit is a suicide bomber.

Fundamentalism is a belief that revelation forces us to be stupid.

Men and women sin differently.

I am my weakness; you are my strength.

Male and female cannot be equal, for they are mutually superior.

Terrorism is to jihad what adultery is to marriage.

True religion invites us to become better people; false religion tells us that this has already occurred.

The East is content with form; the West is form without content.

If you forget that the world is always dissatisfying, you will always be dissatisfied.

Atheism is like excrement: when enough builds up in the body, it has to come out.

Pain is to show you that life is authentic.

Insan with the e-culture becomes insane.

Feminism has failed in its ambition to abolish women.

Honor the views of every feminist who has had twins.

Not every male superiority is female inferiority.

Your weakness is in proportion to the number of things you crave.

The disbeliever only disbelieves in the god he has created.

If you luxuriate in your humility, it is pride.

Great art is God looking at you. Mediocre art is you looking at God. Demonic art is you looking at yourself alone (Dervaish’s note: most of contemporary Urdu poetry belong to this last category, navel gazing of the worst type!)

We want to make religion as small as ourselves; just as we have made our homes as ugly as ourselves.

Modernity: a way of drowning in nothingness.

Islam’s heart is ethical; the modern West’s skin is ethical.

Capitalism: the law of the jungle that destroys the jungle.

Many wear the turban to prevent Allah from reading their minds.

Modern holidays: the nafs will heal the Ruh.

God is not a reality to be explained; He IS the explanation of reality.


Haqq.     Khair.      Jamal.          (Truth, Goodness, Beauty)

For more, click: BandagiSufi Master

Source: Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad's (Tim Winter) Website

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