Sunday, December 26, 2021

Why kill the Hazaras?


Why kill the Hazaras?

(originally published January 2021)

In memory of the eleven (11) Hazara coal miners who were brutally slain----all of them blind-folded, their throats slit with a blunt knife, and left to bleed to death----in Mach, Balochistan on Jan 3, 2020.

"Tell the truth even if it be unpleasant" and "Speak truth to a tyrannical ruler."

Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)


They gun them down and
Blow ‘em up
They hunt them down and
Line ‘em up
Pick them out
Tie ‘em up
Slit their throats, and hang ‘em up.

Why kill the Hazaras?

They kill them once
Force ‘em out, and then
Kill them again
Make them grieve
Make ‘em leave
Pakistan, Afghanistan
They send them all to…
Qabristan (the graveyard).

They kill them there, kill ‘em here
Why kill the Hazaras?
Who kills the Hazaras?

The cursed snakes
Are let loose
By the snake charmers
The wily handlers
Whose takfiri “assets”
Whose wretched monsters
Are the evil performers.

The right hand consoles
As the left hand slaughters
Say these forked-tongued impostors:
“See, it’s the bearded serpents, it’s deh-shat gardi
No, it’s not: it’s wardi gardi
That kills the Hazaras.

The Dajjali death cult has poisoned
The old Tin Town
In Little London
The Iblisi darkness
Has spread all around
The petro terror, the "jihad" e Jahilliya
Has maimed and murdered, or
Killed the Hazaras.

Collateral damage, false flag games
“Strategic Depth” is the cause of the flames
The gains of the goons
Of the murderous buffoons
Are the pains of the ruined
Who are violently strewn
The pogrom continues
The graveyards get filled
As the Hazaras get killed.

Friends and comrades---
The old neighbors
Allies and aides---
Are now like strangers.
Numb spectators
Of dumb bloodbath
They whisper and watch
Some with sorrow
Some with wrath
Some are scared
Others just shrug their cold shoulders:
“Too sad, too bad, but…”

That “but” betrays
The heartless starkness
Of the Dajjali credo and
The Iblisi darkness.

“But” I guess, they know
Why they kill the Hazaras.

And so it seems
To this Hazara, at least
That no one really weeps
No one bewails
Accomplice in crime
The silence, too,
Is a bloody cold mime
It, too,
Kills the Hazaras.

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