Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Life in LGBTQSF+ KaliYuga

Life in LGBTQSF+ Kali Yuga

“Your sickness is from you—
but you do not perceive it;
your remedy is within you—
but you do not sense it;
you presume that you are a small entity—
whereas within you is enfolded the entire universe. You are indeed the evident book, by whose alphabet the hidden becomes manifest; therefore you have no need to look beyond yourself, what you seek is within you, if only you reflect.                                      Imam Ali (AS)

“If your ultimate concern is yourself, if you have spent your life building a monument to yourself, then in biblical terms, that’s idolatry. I think we live in an idolatrous society…I think it is extremely difficult for people to achieve a moral life without community.” 

                    Chris Hedges, TheDecline of Morality and the Celebration of the Self

“Ignorance, when it is voluntary, is criminal.”   Samuel Johnson

The Satanic Inversion of Everything: Life in the dark days of LGBTQSF+ Kali Yuga.

Secular modernity inverts. It is first and foremost a thoroughly profane worldview that reprioritizes everything, thereby making the trivial, the secondary and accidental the primary, the essential, and vice versa. It defaces the Eternal, the Sacred and the Transcendent (but, in reality, which it cannot), and elevates the mundane, the temporal, the corporal, the blasphemous. It displaces, even “murders”, God and stands “man”---modern Western (read, white) man and all his pathological imitations in the colored, darker corners of the world---in His place. Once wisdom meant that we be passive viz-a-viz the Transcendent, the Heaven above us, and active against, in constant struggle with, what was below. Modernity has inverted that: now men are passive towards what is beneath them---the hells of the nafs, of the lower self---and at war with what is above. The result? "When you reject a heaven you open up a new earth and many new hells. " (S.H. Nasr)  In traditional parlance, secular modernity is a philosophy of fittna, and, therefore, no philosophy at all but a miso-sophy (hatred of wisdom and not love of it). In its late form as (post-)postmodernism---as the new pornographic jahilliya of 21C---secular modernity as fittna is particularly good, first, at widening and deepening the age-old fissures and fractures in traditional societies and then turning them into the main preoccupations and concerns of those societies. Because it is an utterly cynical weltanschauung with its own caste system at the top of which are its “priestly” opinion makers, an army of beastly “prophets of skepticism” who see only arbitrary power everywhere and in everything, traditional certainties based on and reflecting the perennial values and wisdom are reformulated through intentionally misleading, ideologically motivated re-interpretations which are then promoted and imposed on societies around the world mostly through the local uprooted and deracinated entrepreneurs of those societies----the comprador, the native informants and so on about whom the overtly racist British imperialist Lord McCaulay once said in his notorious speech / minutes on Indian education the following:

"I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation….[Accordingly,]We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect"."

These are individuals and groups who are always ready to make instrumental Faustian deals for any minimum worldly gain offered them by the highest bidders in the globalized marketplace operated by the lords of humanity according to the dictates of ruthless casino capitalism.

Ideology trumps nature: "I am a beast trapped in a human body."

Woke-ism is the new incarnation of this postmodern jahilliya and nothing is more important to it as the violent promotion and full-spectrum marketing of LGBTQSF+ everywhere round the world. Among other things, it is yet another manufactured ideology of the profane worldview of fittna meant to deal a final blow to that most important bastion of traditional societies: the family. In “liquid modernity”, to use Zygmunt Bauman’s term, anything that guarantees stability, continuity, permanence and certainty is the greatest sin of all and must, therefore, be destroyed completely.  

The Great Postmodern Mindfuck
Says my wicked friend, Sardar Kharkaftar of Helsinki: “In this new iteration of the age of jahilliya, make sure that your child (especially male child) sees what is between his or her legs on a daily basis. You may as well encourage them, from time to time, to actually touch and play with what is there so that they know that those reproductive organs are for real. This way, as they grow up, they will not be “confused” as to who they are, sexually speaking. They must be reminded, time and again, that sex is not the ultimate marker of our being, of our identity; it is what human beings do and not  who we are, as the contemporary barbarism of “identitarianism” coerces everyone to believe lest they want to face the violence of its cancel culture! Show them the rainbow whenever it appears in the sky. Explain to them what the rainbow means, what it has always meant, both literally and figuratively as used in traditional literature before the arrival of this new jahilliya, the LGBTQSF+ Kali Yuga. And that the rainbow, first and foremost, appeared up there, in the sky and not on some social activist movement flag promoting hedonistic nihilism.

For more, please click: The System: InversionIlluminations #5



  1. I asked the AI to summarise this article. This is what it thought....

    The blog post you have linked to is titled "Life in the LGBTQSF Kaliyuga" and appears to be a personal essay about the author's experiences as a member of the LGBTQ community in modern times.

    The author begins by discussing the concept of Kaliyuga, a term from Hindu mythology that refers to the current age of decline and chaos. They then use this concept to reflect on the struggles faced by the LGBTQ community, including discrimination, violence, and societal pressure to conform to traditional gender and sexuality norms.

    The author goes on to discuss the ways in which the LGBTQ community has made progress in recent years, such as legal recognition of same-sex marriage and increased representation in media and popular culture. However, they also acknowledge that there is still a long way to go in terms of achieving full equality and acceptance.

    Throughout the essay, the author reflects on their own personal experiences as a member of the LGBTQ community and the challenges they have faced. They also express hope for the future and the potential for change and progress.

    In conclusion, the blog post provides a personal reflection on the challenges and experiences of being a member of the LGBTQ community in modern times, while also acknowledging the progress that has been made and expressing hope for the future.

    1. God created man. This man, finding himself not adequately stupid, created an artificial companion for himself. In his typical unintelligent manner, he called it AI. He essentially created this companion to feel his stupidity more keenly.


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