Wednesday, November 22, 2023

In a day's time

 In a day's time
(inspired by a similar poem of Pablo Neruda called "What happens in a day")

The world changes in a day's time.

In mere twenty-four hours
People give and receive flowers
The world is turned upside down
The smile, the laugh turns into a frown
A child is born, as another dies
A war starts and decimates many lives
Some laugh out loud, some suffer and cry
In the midst of a calamity
Some give up, others struggle and try.

The world changes in a day's time.

In a span of few hours
Some gain, some lose power
Old lovers part ways
She leaves, he stays
Friends become enemies, enemies friends
Passions grow cold, loyalties descend
All crack and crumble, nothing to share
No love, no warmth and no such thing as care
Feelings, trust, hope and all the beliefs
Fall and fade away like dead autumn leaves.

The world changes in a day's time.

In a day, our dreams come true
Our fears realized, and doubts renewed
Bringing mirth and joy for you and for me
Horror and grief, that's also for you and for me
Yesterday, it was all bright and sunny
But today, it's all grey and gloomy
Oh, the terrible power, the unsettling content
Of an uncertain, unpredictable moment!

So many things change in a day's time.

The old man in his ancient rocking chair
Tracing all with his tired, sunken eyes
Sits in his porch, the sun in his shriveled hair
As if defying time
He sits and he sits, looking firm, looking wise
Then one day, he's gone, no longer there
And you hear the news of his sudden demise.

On a sad November day
Lost in thoughts all the way
You walk home from work
As you turn the familiar corner
In a dull, almost mechanical manner
A sudden void, a colorless emptiness
Hits your eyes, shattering the sameness
Trying to make sense, you freeze and you heave
Gone is the giant tree, the treasure of the town
The storehouse of memories, the king with a crown
Gone! Gone with all its gamboge autumn leaves

The world changes in a day's time.

Life, Oh, life!
It has its own crazy, tragicomic ways
Disrupting plans, condemning and redeeming
Affirming and denying, all the games that it plays
What's it all about you wonder, what's the meaning
Of all the paradoxes, the contradictions
That happen in such a short time, in a day's time
You wonder, but its neither truth nor fiction
Oh, how the world changes in such a short time---in a day's time.

For more, click: The RevolutionThe Force of Habit

1 comment:

Schools Adrift

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