Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Illuminations # 4


Light and Darkness

"There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees." 
                                                                                        Victor Hugo

Open your eyes

Open your eyes before it is too late.
Open your eyes and see,
what the world of appearances hides from you.
See all the beauty and the goodness
that is around you, that surround you----
the khair and jamal that engulf you
and that do not cost a penny.
Open your eyes to see the usefulness of all
that you have been taught to regard as useless.
See with that opened eye the worth and the value
of all that cannot be measured and counted, hence
they don't count, are worthless and valueless.
They are beautiful because they are free;
they are wonderful because they are useless.
Take pleasure in them, celebrate them,
only because they are uncountable, meaningless.
We flee from, because we are blind to,
the beauty and the grandeur of all that is Reality,
of all that have been made for us,
and take refuge in illusion, in ugliness---in reality---
in images that are imitations of imitations.

Everything's on display. It's always been so.
It's all there, hurled wide and deep by Generosity,
scattered out in all directions by Mercy.
It's all there brothers and sisters,
for us to see, to comprehend and celebrate.

Open your eyes and see.
Open your eyes before it is too late.


Some questions

Who would they blame for all the miseries of the people if there was no India?

Or, how would they, the ruling criminal mafias of Pakistan, justify their crimes if there was no country next door called India?

What would Pakistan be like if it had four (or more) provinces instead of just one?

What if the police and the army had the same salaries and privileges?

How would things be if anyone who said "Don't you know who I am?" was given 18 lashes on his backside in public, just like in the old days of that mustachioed Jallandhari monster?

What would justice really look like if those who kill civilians were also tried and hanged---those who frame and hang civilians through kangaroo courts and sell out judges?

What would the appeared (who had been disappeared) tell the world if they knew they could talk without the fear of getting disappeared again?

How would things be if the journalists and the judges of the land had conscience?

Would Pakistan finally win some medals at the Olympic Games if cricket was declared haram by all the certified muftis of the country?

What would happen to education in Pakistan if teachers took their job not as that only but as a vocation, as the most important profession in a society?

What would happen if Pakistani entertainers and celebrities---TV, movie actors, singers etc.--- were to educate the public about their plight and the causes of their miseries and not narcotize them into becoming pathological copies of the narcissistic clowns that they themselves are?

Why not make those who teach at LUMS and IBA teach at jihadi madrassahs in remote Balochistan and KPK and make the madrassah mullahs teach the students at LUMS and IBA? It would be an excellent opportunity for mutually beneficial indoctrination, a win-win situation, as they say!

Why not make Khuzdar or Loralai the capital of Pakistan? That would be one good way of showing concern for the historically ignored and exploited province and solidarity with its neglected and oppressed people.

How about making Coke Studio celebrities, especially the female ones, perform live concerts at the jihadi madrassahs all over the country, like the ones mentioned above? The money could come from the Gulf States, especially from the obscenely rich clown princes of the region who are now doing the same in their own sheikhdoms.

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