Saturday, October 1, 2022

Bumper Stickers


Contemporary Pakistan through bumper stickers

"We  can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when adults are afraid of the light."   
Plato, circa 400 B.C.
Pakistan is a South Asian country in the Middle East. It has four provinces whose names are as follows: Punjab.

The divine Plato once said that in a sane and humane republic either the philosophers will have to become politicians, or the politicians will have to become philosophers. In Pakistan, both the philosophers and the politicians compete with one another to become the favored janitors of The Vampires (of The System).

In other countries, political parties publish manifestoes before elections. In Pakistan, political parties publish biryani menus!

The fate of 220 million Pakistanis always hangs on sneakily recorded audios and especially videos of what their criminal ruling classes---the generals, judges, journalists and all the other jokers that make up the country’s perennially racketeering and totally depraved stratum----do with their reproductive organs.

Pakistan is once again teetering on the edge of crisis, and even collapse this time around, because a general or a judge was secretly recorded in the middle of an S&M like act probably with a Lollywood, a Coke Studio, or a TikTok wench.

Dear Pakistanis: The Vampires exist and continue to suck your blood dry because you are all afraid all the time. It's FEAR, your FEAR that gives the booted bloodsuckers strength and confidence. Shatter the hoary myth, end the violent farce, and get rid of this artificially constructed and cunningly instilled FEAR once and for all. "Those who don't move do not notice their chains" as Red Emma (Luxemburg) once said.

To the biryani-bribed and PSL-drugged awam: Only when you move you will realize that you have been tied down in khaki shackles all these seven decades. So, switch off the idiot box and Coke Studio, get off TikTok and Instagram, move your lazy and afraid asses, and redeem yourselves once and for all!

To the ugly, rotten maskharas (clowns) who insist that all must "respect the institutions” ("ادارے کا احترام کریں"), we say what the great and wise Spanish hakim Baltasar Gracian said four hundred years ago: “Those who insist on the dignity of their office show they have not deserved it.”

Don’t respect “the institution”: Criticize it, ridicule it! It is not, has never been, an institution at all but the ugliest euphemism for The System of The Vampires. Destroy it, only to save the country, to save yourselves. After all, there is such a thing called constructive demolition or "creative destruction". (after Joseph Schumpeter)

“All propaganda is lies, even when it is telling the truth.” George Orwell

To young Pakistanis: REMEMBER what they tell you to forget, and FORGET what they tell you to remember.

PTI "Long March" and what will/can happen:

The Vampires of The System clearly know, and they have always openly said and showed with their brutal acts that the rest of the people of the occupied regions of Pakistan, places euphemistically called the "provinces", do not really matter. As long as the people of Punjab are their criminal accomplices, their partners in, and the beneficiaries of, their crimes, however trivial those benefits are, they have no fear. And FEAR is with which The Vampires, the booted bloodsuckers, always maintain and consolidate their deadly hold on The System. Yes, FEAR. Until now, Punjab has never disappointed them and its clearly culpable people have always justified their crimes against everybody else, against the Bengalis, the Sindhis and the Balochis and everybody else. That is why the burden of delivering Pakistan is now squarely on the shoulders of Punjab and on the shoulders of the people of that only province that matters. Will they once again sell their mothers and sisters for a few dollars? Will they again opt for biryani, or will they for once listen to the voice of their conscience? Will they finally redeem themselves and deliver the country or not? All of that remain to be seen.

To young Balochistanis, or the people of the peripheries: Never listen to a single word of whatever they (the Center) say to you especially in the way of promises, but just look them squarely and intently in the eyes. Just look them in the eyes, never listen and never say a word, either.

There is no hope of real change for the awam in Pakistan, Insaf Khan or no Insaf Khan, as long as there is PSL and as long as there is Coke Studio.

Social Media in Pakistan: fighting EVIL with evil. But everywhere else, it is fighting evil with EVIL.

“I don’t know anything about good and evil, about right and wrong. In my line of work you don’t have to.”     A Pakistani politician

“Make them afraid. Make them very, very afraid. Instill fear in their hearts and minds. Tell them, tell them repeatedly, day and night, all year round, that the enemy is inches away from devouring us. The bogeyman---the Indian, the Yehudi, the Hindu, the Afghani---is absolutely necessary. Ridicule the naysayers, torture them, strip them naked and record their videos, abuse them with dirty slogans and especially with words like “traitor”, “separatist” and “terrorist”, blackmail the critics, disappear and kill the awake and the protesting ones. Only then we can have and keep our fauji cereals, our golf courses, our officers messes, our cantonments, and our DHAs.”         
The Vampires of The System

Taken from the Pakistani Animal Farm manifesto (with apologies to the great man, George Orwell):

“All the 220 million animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

A newly minted atheist in Pakistan says, “When I told my people that I did not believe in God, a young, bearded man in the audience stood up and inquired, ‘Yes, but is it the God of the Sunnis or the God of the Shias in whom you don’t believe?’”

You want real---REAL---change in Pakistan, REAL Naya Pakistan? Yes? Then do the following:

1. Create more provinces---increase from the present  one (1) province to up to at least 25 provinces; (Japan is half the size of Pakistan, both in area and in population, and it has 47 provinces)

2. Cut down the size of the khaki bloodsuckers---The Vampires---to 1/5th of their current size; (a quarter of Pakistani children who are malnourished have stunted growth and have zero access to education and health services. They have been watering the lavish golf courses and have been sustaining all sorts of subsidized debaucheries at the thousands of officers’ messes spread all over the country with their blood for too long. This must stop. Period.)

3. End the artificially constructed and fraudulently sustained belligerency which only benefit the many mafias of the land at the expense of the people. Improve relations and trade with neighbors and regional countries;

4. Make local, regional trade and defense blocks; (Understand, and especially make the hoi polloi understand, that The Universal White Imperialists want and create EU, NATO, NAFTA for themselves, but promote and sponsor bloody balkanization through “color revolutions” in the rest of the world)

5. Pay the police more than The Vampires---overall the whole civilian legal system, improve recruitment and training standards, increase their authority, update their equipment;

6. Nationalize all DHAs and the entire commercial empire of The Vampires---ban fauji cereals;

7. Abolish the old racist, colonial special quarters, the ugly apartheid enclaves euphemistically referred to as “cantonments”;

8. Move the capital from Islamabad to Khuzdar, or Loralai, for at least 10 years (AA)*;

9. Amend the constitution so that the chief vampire and the chief hathora walla will never again be from Punjab (AA)*;

10. Ban cricket---for at least ten years; (only then Pakistan will start winning Olympic medals in other sports) (AA)*

Continued…more to come

*AA = Affirmative Action

For more, please click: The Vampires of The System

The System

The Hollow Men

Harf e Dervaish (Urdu)

Illuminations #5

Harf e Dervaish #7 (Urdu)

The American

Quetta: Hazara Ethnic Cleansing

Propaganda and Language

Overqualified and underqualified in Balochistan

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