Friday, December 16, 2022

The Guardians of The System

Hathora Mafia: The "guardians" of The EVIL System

The Guardians of The System

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" (Who will guard the guardians?)

"Conscience is that still, small voice that is sometimes too loud for comfort."                                                                          Bert Murray

"We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, the press destroys information, religious leaders destroy morals, and banks destroy the economy."                                                                     Chris Hedges


The System (in Pakistan) continues to thrive. It has elevated its rogue ways into a rigorous science, even a form of high art. It manipulates, it lies and deceives in ways that would make Goebbels or a committed Pravda editor look like naïve pygmies, like befuddled simpletons, were they alive today. Cold and completely alien to things like responsibility, guilt and remorse, and conscience, it brazenly disappears, humiliates, tortures and murders, and when caught red-handed, claims innocence, "neutrality" and even infallibility.  Venal and depraved to its core, the vampires--the uniformed and booted bloodsuckers--are working hard and full time to maintain their seven-decade-old murderous grip on the anti-people status quo, on The Genocidal System. Politicians of all stripes and colors---the usual, inbred, low life crooks of the land---remain on their leash; the obscene presstitude—the media maskharas, the perennially for-sale soulless talking heads and chatting bots, that most decadent class of hustling shysters in contemporary Pakistan---never tire of vociferously cheerleading for them; the bureaucracy---that shape-shifting, self-loathing cabal of brown sahibs gifted to the land by their departing white masters, the congenitally criminal class of entrepreneurs who, as an essential “stakeholder” have historically lubricated the gears of The Genocidal System---still remain their crucial partners-in-crime.

But it is that most important pillar of the state, the judiciary, the legal system---the so-called “guardians”---that has now been fully exposed as the most rotten and the ugliest element of The System.  The total collapse of the moral order in Pakistani society can now be clearly seen in this domain of the state. The judges, the most prominent lawyers and the legal fraternity in general---known as the hathora mafia--- all now stand naked in front of us. Elevated to the higher echelons of the state, to the high seats of judiciary, with the sole duty to protect the public interest, to promote the common good, and to guarantee justice for the weak, the powerless and the oppressed, they proactively abuse their powers in the worst possible ways; these "bitches of the rich" work against the people, obediently serve power and never heed the counsels of reason and conscience; they indulge in the most corrupt practices and commit crimes of the highest order. Instead of guarding the rights of the citizenry---what the constitution guarantees--- they have now become---have always been, in fact--- the committed guardians of The Unjust System. Dispensing justice and fairness is the least of their concerns. Unashamed and without any hint of a sense of duty or of self-respect and dignity, these wigged and robed shysters mock the people with their incessant indulgence in sickening piffle as the country teeters on the brink of economic collapse and society plunges deeper in anarchy and nihilism. Earlier, I wrote in another post, “The fate of 250 million Pakistanis hangs on sneakily recorded audios and especially videos of what their criminal ruling classes---the generals, judges, journalists and all the other jokers that make up the country’s perennially racketeering and totally depraved stratum----do with their reproductive organs. Pakistan is once again teetering on the edge of crisis, and even collapse this time around, because a general or a judge was secretly recorded in the middle of an S&M like act probably with a celebrity wench, or a Tiktok influencer.” 

For more, please click: Vampire Propaganda

Quetta Chawni (Cantt.)  Quetta Chawni

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Harf e Dervaish #8 (Urdu)

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