Saturday, April 9, 2022

The System wins again; everybody else loses, again!

The System wins again; everybody else loses again

"Everything we do is unreal, everything is bullshit, madness and hell, yet nothing can break the spell that keeps it if the only response to a horrible reality is an even more single-minded devotion to fantasy....At any rate, there's no way to stop the pretense because there's no way to stop the machine."

                                          Louis di Prima, Facing a Few of the Facts


The System (in Pakistan) wins again! Or, perhaps we should say that it survives a potentially calamitous shock. The "hybrid" experiment, as it was, has both failed and not failed: it has failed because the subordinate species in the 4-year old manufactured and toxic political compound is no more; it has succeeded, once again, because the old (junior, but equally deadly) parasites are now back. Hybrid or no hybrid, the pugnacious master-slave structure, the obscene command and obedience setup or, the ugly hierarchy remains intact. The bloodsucking Vampires, the hollow men----of all stripes and colors, political or otherwise (as if there was one!)---have won, have come out as the winners in this new tragi-comic political conflagration. Everybody else is a loser; certainly and as always, the biggest losers are the people (the awam) of the country.

This time, however, the victory, or the survival, of The System comes at a high price. This survival may well be like one of the last nails, if not the last nail, into its coffin. It's because every time history repeats itself, the damage to the host upon which The System feeds like a bloodsucking parasite becomes more severe and the cost to fix that damage goes up, exponentially as some historians have argued. Entropy, it is called. The second law of thermodynamics.

Interestingly (but not surprisingly), history has also repeated itself on a larger, grander scale. On that level, The System (in Pakistan) is a vassal-like, or a client structure, well integrated into another, larger genocidal hierarchy which is the 500 year old, post-Columbus racist, imperialist modern Western megamachine. This larger matrix which specializes in holocausts and revels in mass murders and annihilations of all the "colored" species of the human collectivity, has added one more trophy to its tall pile of blood soaked achievements: Mussaddiq in Iran; Allende in Chile; Lumumba in Congo; Arbenz in Guatemala; Sukarno in Indonesia; Che, Cuba; Trujilo, Dominican Republic; Chavez, Venezuela; Jose Torres, Bolivia; Noriega, Nicaragua; Austin, Grenada; Aristide, Haiti; Qaddafi, Libya; Saddam, Iraq; Lula and Rousseff, Brazil to name just a few.


And some more: The American , Language and Propaganda

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