Friday, August 12, 2022
Overqualified and underqualified in Balochistan
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Quetta Chawni (Cantonment, or Quetta Cantt.): Then and now
Quetta Chawni (Cantonment, or Quetta Cantt.): Then and now
"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Herman Goering, Hitler's minister of propaganda
"The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity, but the one that removes awareness of other possibilities."
Alan Bloom
It is early evening in late October, just before sunset when the shadows grow longer by the minute under the azure Quetta sky. The air is crisp, soon to turn even crispier, drier and colder with the approach of the night. The perennially dusty streets are littered with shriveled, reddish-brown leaves that are blown around, often in circles, by the gently whistling autumn winds. I look up at the exquisite, cloudless sky, trying to imbibe the vast, serene expanse of that ocean above with all my senses, and utter something that seem to gush from some secret crevice of my consciousness, the meaning of which is lost to me and to my companions standing next to me. “What? Did you say something?” one of them asks me. “Did I? Maybe, I did---I don’t know” I respond without taking my eyes off the blue heavens above us. Having lived in several countries on three continents, I can claim with some certainty that nowhere I have seen autumn skies as beautiful as in Quetta. But I guess this is just the prejudice of an exiled and nostalgic Quettawaal. We are all waiting in front of our friend Daud’s house for him to come out so that we can embark on our long evening walk to Chiltan Market in Quetta Chawni (Cantt.). As we wait, Daud’s father walks out of the door, smiles at us, and quietly informs us that his son will be out soon. A religious man with a long beard, he waves at us, and then walks in the direction of the local masjid (mosque) to offer his maghrib prayer. Minutes later, Daud appears. He joins us and we start our walk.
On most days, there would be the four of us on these all-season evening walks: Mehdi, Jabbar, Daud and yours truly. Sometimes a friend of Mehdi’s or of Daud’s would join us, too. We would start from Daud’s house, off Toghi Road, next to the Tel Gudam area, and walk some 5 to 6kms to Chiltan Market and back. Sometimes we would take the Jinnah Ground route, walk past the TV station building, turn right at the corner across the spacious compound that housed the huge pinkish and white communication tower, walk all the way to the roundabout over which loomed the giant concrete National Bank building, turn left and onward to Chiltan Market tea houses. At other times, we would take the uncomplicated route, via the beautiful, tree-lined Gulistan Road, turn left at the end of that long road and then all the way to the same National Bank roundabout. I enjoyed the autumn walks the best, something that I still do in the small town where I live now far, far away from Quetta.
Chiltan Market, Quetta Chawni |
But more than the walk itself, or at least equally interesting and enjoyable as the walk, were our discussions en route to and at the chai shop where we would sip the steaming hot, sugary beverage as we indulged in arguments about subjects ranging from the strictly philosophical (existence of God and the truth of other religions!), to trivia such as Bollywood actors and singers. No matter what the topic, there was always enough disagreement to ensure that the discussions remained lively and generated as much heat as light. We would usually sit outside in the open area behind the old, concrete building of the market. The tea shops were in the rear and in the evening the place would be abuzz, the cheap plastic chairs fully occupied most of the evenings by people like us: civilians who had either driven or walked from different parts of the city to this popular spot in Quetta Cantt.
Except for Jabbar, the three of us would engage in long discussions, often without any meaningful resolutions and which would sometimes continue for days and weeks. Jabbar, because he was the youngest, and temperamentally a bit taciturn---- still a university student at that time----would intermittently jump in and ask something. His often irrelevant, and at times naïve, interruptions, however, had a wisdom-like function of their own: they would become necessary reminders to us that we needed to come to our senses, that we had gone off-track, or that we had transgressed the norms of civilized discussion and debate. Now that I think about it, perhaps they were moments when “the child is the father of man” as Wordsworth has aptly said. Or, perhaps they were even instances when what we usually look down upon as the pathologies of irrationality prove superior to the pathologies of rationality, rationality being something that we---the “educated”, grown up ones--- value and cherish so much that we often become blind to its partial and passionate nature. Modernity places this faculty of ratiocination above all else within man whereas traditional cultures have always considered it part of the passionate soul, as part of an inner hierarchy and below what the ancient Greeks called nous, and other (religious) traditions, Intellect or Spirit of which 'the heart' is the seat, hence the Arabic ayn al qalb, the Persian chashm e dil and the Sanskrit third eye. "The heart has reasons that the reason knows not of" as Blaise Pascal has reminded us.
A digression, but, oh, how I miss those days!
Gulistan Road, Quetta Chawni |
That was then. Things are very different now. Quetta Chawni, as we knew it then----the location of so many of our best memories, from the weekend visits to, and swimming in, the famous Hanna Lake, picnics with family and friends in the cool Urak Valley and Wali Tangi, the bicycle races to Spin Karez, the motorcycle trips to Digari to eat the famous truck-driver tarka daal, and the long jogs and walks-----is no longer accessible, or not in the way it used to be, at least not to those of us who belong to that odd colonial category of mortal beings known as “civilians” in the godforsaken country of Pakistan. This often pejorative term, “civilian”, or its more civilized and politer version, “bloody civilian”, when used by a certain uniformed, booted usurper class gains more in crudity and ugliness in a brutalized and brutally neglected corner of the country, such as the city of Quetta in the internally-colonized province of Balochistan. On my recent visit to Quetta, I tried the impossible task of re-living those rather innocent bits of the past, for memory’s sake, for the good old times' and good old friends' sake. I soon found out the futility, if not the outright stupidity, of my intention of strolling over to Jinnah Ground in the Chawni area.
Pani Taqseem, Quetta Cantt. |
In some of my posts here on this blog site I have talked about glittering generalities, those sacred cows---words, expressions, concepts or categories of knowledge---that compartmentalize and colonize our imagination. They imprison us with narrow, suffocating intellectual categories that kill meaningful conversations, halt critical questioning, marginalize alternative worldviews, criminalize dissent, and which are often deployed as masks by hypocritical wielders of power against the powerless and the marginalized. Whether they deliver the goods that they claim to deliver is not the concern here; what we need to understand is that what else is carried out in their name. The political psychologist and cultural critic Ashis Nandy has argued that, "Today, the really powerful and the truly dangerous are those who justify themselves in the name of science, rationality, universality, equality, democracy and other such lofty Enlightenment values."
One such potent glittering generality is the term “security”, a convenient shorthand term used frequently these days for all sorts of nefarious and criminal ends. Like its siblings----development, progress, democracy, care, hope, humanitarian, sustainable, terrorism, social justice, stakeholder, community, empowerment, liberty and so on----security is now the demagogues’ word of choice the world over. For example, in the western world, but especially in the USA of post 9-11, this dumbing generality has been the most important justification, the raison de'tre, for the systematic erosion of civil liberties, for invasion of privacy, for demonizing critical inquiry and dissent, for the institutionalization of a pervasive and perverse system of surveillance that extends to peoples’ bedrooms and even toilets; in short, for the radical transfer of power from the people to the criminal oligarchies that lord over those lands and their peoples. Security is, first and foremost, about anxiety and fear. Fear, after all, is an effective tool: invent a hobgoblin, a boogeyman---the menacing other, the Hindu, the Muslim, the Yehudi, the barbarian at the gates---parade and analyze its evil nature ad nauseum on the mass media through obscene talking heads, all those rented anchors and hired pens that one critic has called "the presstitudes", make people afraid and then you can do anything you want to do to them. The more afraid they are, the easier it will be to manipulate them. Fear provides the most effective justification for silencing dissent and for oppression. Fear causes confusion and disorientation and nobody is more susceptible to control than a disoriented person. It is the oppressor demagogues’ favorite tool in his or her arsenal of control and domination.
Quetta Club, Quetta Chawni |
It is in this context that one needs to understand what has happened, and is still happening, in certain areas of Pakistan, as well, and especially in a place like Quetta, Balochistan. In fact, in Pakistan as a whole, this one particular glittering generality---security---has been the epistemic category or methodological narrative framework of choice for the powers-that-be for more than six decades. The ruling classes, the masters of the country who have kept their deadly grip on the levers of power like a giant killer squid either directly or indirectly through their front men and women----those cowardly and opportunist puppets who always sell their souls and do Faustian deals with the most powerful or highest bidder----have perennially used “security” or “national security” as the main justification for the oppressive status quo and, therefore, for their illegitimate political experiments and adventures.
A relevant and close to home example of this “security”, “parchi” and “entry pass" culture is on display in Gwadar. As it gets fenced, gated and “secured” (secured for whom, from whom, one might ask?), the poor fishermen of Gwadar and surrounding areas, who have been fishing in the Arabian Sea for hundreds, if not thousands, of years now have to beg some low ranking, semi-literate sentry from Sahiwal, Sialkot, Cheecha Watani or Jehlum for a “parchi” so that they can do, even on a very limited basis, what they have been doing for ages freely, without any restrictions. This is, we are told once again, “development” for them----Chinese style, this time around! But it is already obvious, to those who have eyes to see, who is getting developed at whose expense. No multi-million dollar pizza franchises in western metropolises, no plots and luxury SUVs, no advisory and consultancy portfolios in high corridors of power for the locals of Gwadar, but more systematic marginalization, mini-genocides, violent exclusion from their own ancestral lands and resources.
Gwadar and "development" |
One word: “development…a debauched word, a whore of a word whose users can’t look you in the eye” as Leonard Frank once wrote.
These excluded "stakeholders" of peripheral regions like Gwadar are lectured with the toxic rhetoric of "care", "empowerment", "charity" and even "social justice", and who "struggle towards their graves...listening to the lofty verbiage promising poverty alleviation, the right to work, development, progress, human rights and democracy...development has claimed more lives than outright war or race-based genocides in the twentieth century", say Ashis Nandy and Vinay Lal. The historian and cultural critic Vinay Lal has argued that, "Modern, largely invisible, holocausts are being perpetrated on significant sections of the world's population....there is every possibility that the twenty-first century might be richer still in other, hitherto still invisible, holocausts. Nothing furnishes more vivid illustrations of this argument than the idea of 'development', which remains indubitably the clearest example of genocidal violence perpetrated by modern knowledge systems on the integrity of human communities. The saga of Soviet terror originated in the brutal collectivization of Russian agriculture and in the impulse to industrialize rapidly, and consequently increase productivity, by the use of forced labour. Millions of deaths were achieved, not by superior forms of armament, but by coolly and rationally conceiving of these deaths as the necessary price to pay for development. In a similar vein is the Chinese Communist Party's heartless embrace of ruinous economic policies, the attempt by political functionaries to make the subjects of the state partake in the Great Leap Forward, and the consequence of this extreme folly: 25 - 30 million people dead from starvation." (The concentration camp and development: The pasts and future of genocide, Vinay Lal, 2005.)
One needs to observe that the fruits of this new variety of “development” in Gwadar is being distributed in a rather brutally asymmetrical manner among the “stakeholders". Given its ugly, violently exploitative and Eurocentric history, especially in the non-white South in the latter half of the ”century of terror” (Eric Hobsbawm’s term) that ended some twenty years ago, to say that "development is genocide" (as many cultural critics and historians have argued) would not be an exaggeration. It is now a thoroughly discredited concept for authentic human well-being----to the point that it is even seen as a form of racism. (See, for example, The Development Dictionary ed. Wolfgang Sachs, The Post-Development Reader ed. Majid Rahnema/Victoria Bawtree and Encountering Development by Arturo Escobar, among many others)
My friend Sardar Kharkaftar of Helsinki (another exiled Quettawaal who now lives up-north in Finland and who also laments the sorry state of the city of his birth) says that “Quetta is now more like a war zone, like a huge concentration camp”. In his last email to me, after I wrote to him about my recent trip to Quetta and the story of “entry passes”, he wrote back the following, and with which I am going to end this meditation on Quetta Chawni:
Cantonments, DHAs and other gated communities in Pakistan |
For more, click: The Hollow Men , The Picture , A Lament
Quetta: Hazara Ethnic Cleansing
Monday, April 11, 2022
Illuminations # 5
Light and Darkness
"Except before it die, the seed will bear no fruit." (Anonymous)
"The knowledge which results in renunciation (zuhd) consists of the realization that what is renounced is of little value in comparison with what is received".
Abu Hamid Ibn e Muhammad Al Ghazzali
"Desire is slavery; renunciation is freedom." Hermes
Jalwa: It's what you do in your khalwa.
On fasting, on Ramzan.
An old German proverb tells us that it is not possible for us to be truly cultured if we do not practice some degree of asceticism in our lives. When we deny ourselves our basest desires and cravings, we prepare ourselves for actualizing our potential to be truly human. When we say "no" to our lower, animal instincts, we say "yes" to our higher, spiritual yearnings issuing from the Spirit that resides in all of us because we are the "ashraf al makhluqat", because we carry the "breath" or the "light" that has been placed within us by the Creator. When we resist the incessant demands of habit, of what has become our second nature in this world of transience and contingency, we begin to recall and remember the forgotten melodies of our primordial nature (our fitrah). When we refuse to plunge and drown in the hellish depths of the corporeal 'self' (nafs), we make ourselves ready for flight, for transcendence, which is the real purpose of our temporary existence in this world". Says Robert Browning, "A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"
Fasting is a kind of knowing, or a way of acquiring knowledge where you don't think or intellectualize your way to the truth of a matter. When we fast, instead of knowing something abstractly, we experience or intuit it, or we taste a higher form of knowledge, hence we taste the truth, with our being. This kind of immediate, direct and existential knowing is much more profound than any other form of exclusively cerebral knowing. It is like the unveiling of mystery, a form of kashf. Imagine describing or explaining water to a thirsty person in contrast to giving him a glass of water. Just as that water is more meaningful, or it has more reality (wujud) than its descriptions and explanations for the thirsty person, similarly the conscious self denial of water and food (and all the other things for which they are used as symbols) gives us access to those faculties within us with which we can taste of that (higher) Reality whose reflection all these other realities are. From water to thirst, from reality to Reality: in the former, we seek to quench our thirst; in the latter, we seek thirst. In the former, we seek shade in the sun; in the latter, we want to become light, we seek the sun. This is why Rumi says, "Seek thirst, not water". We partake of God's gifts, which are the contingent lower realities, to satiate our transient selves; we deny our transient selves those gifts (the ephemeral realities, which are ultimately unreal, or are mere shadows of the Real) in order to taste of the eternal Reality. God gives us when He gives us, and He gives us more when He takes from us. "Often in giving you something He is (in reality) denying you something, just as He may, in denying you something, be really bestowing a gift upon you." (Ibn e Ata Allah al-Iskandari)
What is most complicated and complex in modernity can only be countered with traditional simplicity; the toxic worldview of modernity can be effectively countered by the "salt of the earth".
Your wealth, your possessions, your fame and popularity, your knowledge and rank, even your good words and good deeds, will not save you if you are not sincere. The essence of faith is sincerity.
The crisis of The System in Pakistan: The Vampires, the hollow men, have been exposed like never before, and that is the best thing that has happened in all this turmoil and chaos of Imran Khan's dethronement.
Pakistan: the rulers are guilty because they have committed innumerable crimes; the people, the awam, are guilty because they have been committing the sin of tolerating all those crimes for too long.
When it became difficult to say what one wanted to say, when it became almost impossible to develop any kind of meaningful relationship between "reality" and words, geniuses like Garcia Marquez, Bulgakov, Calvino and even that pompous ass Rushdie and others came up with "magical realism". What next? What now in Pakistan?
Two things sell the most and the quickest on the Internet: food and sex. Start a food channel and you will get thousands of views and followers (and "likes") in a day or two, if not in an hour or two. Upload your own, or your or somebody else's wife's, daughter's, sister's explicitly nude or even sexually suggestive images and videos, and millions will rush to your website or to your channel. Modern digital technology is by default, by its very conception and design, meant to enslave us to our bestial instincts, to make us slave to our carnal desires and appetitive faculties. Or, it is nafs-oriented. On social media, send/share/forward anything that will titillate them below the waist and you will become a celebrity overnight, a hero with lots and lots of followers and loads of "likes". Send anything that will require the use of that strange thing they carry around on their shoulders and chances are you will either be ignored or will get blocked! And then there are the qualifying excuses that are often instinctively, knee-jerkingly, added to arguments such as, "...but there is so much good...." which are nothing but symptoms of naivety about and ignorance of these digital contraptions. Of course it is true, just as there are some good things and good people in hell, too. But that does not change the nature of hell.
Who is a traitor in Pakistan?
The disappeared or those who carry out the disappearing?
Those who are vilified as traitors, or those who are paid to vilify others as traitors?
Those who sell their conscience (zameer), or those who force them to do so?
The rulers of the awam, or the overlords of these awami rulers?
Those who make and defend unjust laws, or those who break them?
Those who break their fast with dates grown and harvested in Gwadar and Turbat, or those who start and break their fast with Papa Jones pizza?
Those who start dollar jihad, or those who do a jihad against such fake jihad?
The innocent who get hanged and murdered, or the criminals who flee the country after murdering and hanging the innocent?
The blackmailed or the blackmailer?
Those under the boots, or the wearers of those boots?
The whisky drinking, cocaine snorting armchair jihadi ideologues, or those who blow themselves up under the influence of much deadlier drugs, both concreate/material and abstract/ideological?
The Sick of the Centre, or the deceived of the periphery?
For more: On the significance of fasting
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Illuminations # 4
"There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees."
Open your eyes
Open your eyes before it is too late.
Open your eyes and see,
what the world of appearances hides from you.
See all the beauty and the goodness
that is around you, that surround you----
the khair and jamal that engulf you
and that do not cost a penny.
Open your eyes to see the usefulness of all
that you have been taught to regard as useless.
See with that opened eye the worth and the value
of all that cannot be measured and counted, hence
they don't count, are worthless and valueless.
They are beautiful because they are free;
they are wonderful because they are useless.
Take pleasure in them, celebrate them,
only because they are uncountable, meaningless.
We flee from, because we are blind to,
the beauty and the grandeur of all that is Reality,
of all that have been made for us,
and take refuge in illusion, in ugliness---in reality---
in images that are imitations of imitations.
Everything's on display. It's always been so.
It's all there, hurled wide and deep by Generosity,
scattered out in all directions by Mercy.
It's all there brothers and sisters,
for us to see, to comprehend and celebrate.
Open your eyes and see.
Open your eyes before it is too late.
Some questions
Who would they blame for all the miseries of the people if there was no India?
Or, how would they, the ruling criminal mafias of Pakistan, justify their crimes if there was no country next door called India?
What would Pakistan be like if it had four (or more) provinces instead of just one?
What if the police and the army had the same salaries and privileges?
How would things be if anyone who said "Don't you know who I am?" was given 18 lashes on his backside in public, just like in the old days of that mustachioed Jallandhari monster?
What would justice really look like if those who kill civilians were also tried and hanged---those who frame and hang civilians through kangaroo courts and sell out judges?
What would the appeared (who had been disappeared) tell the world if they knew they could talk without the fear of getting disappeared again?
How would things be if the journalists and the judges of the land had conscience?
Would Pakistan finally win some medals at the Olympic Games if cricket was declared haram by all the certified muftis of the country?
What would happen to education in Pakistan if teachers took their job not as that only but as a vocation, as the most important profession in a society?
What would happen if Pakistani entertainers and celebrities---TV, movie actors, singers etc.--- were to educate the public about their plight and the causes of their miseries and not narcotize them into becoming pathological copies of the narcissistic clowns that they themselves are?
Why not make those who teach at LUMS and IBA teach at jihadi madrassahs in remote Balochistan and KPK and make the madrassah mullahs teach the students at LUMS and IBA? It would be an excellent opportunity for mutually beneficial indoctrination, a win-win situation, as they say!
Why not make Khuzdar or Loralai the capital of Pakistan? That would be one good way of showing concern for the historically ignored and exploited province and solidarity with its neglected and oppressed people.
How about making Coke Studio celebrities, especially the female ones, perform live concerts at the jihadi madrassahs all over the country, like the ones mentioned above? The money could come from the Gulf States, especially from the obscenely rich clown princes of the region who are now doing the same in their own sheikhdoms.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Illuminations # 3
Light and Darkness
"People look and talk and smile and are nice and the abyss yawns. The niceness is terrifying." Walker Percy, Love in Ruins
" If you look too deeply, everything breaks your heart."
Ben Okri, Songs of Enchantment
Old Quetta: goodness and beauty were essential; evil and ugliness, accidental.
New Quetta: evil and ugliness are essential; goodness and beauty, accidental.
The eleventh hour or signs of the times (in Pakistan)
A soft-spoken, BMW driving mullah massages the "conscience" of the members of the criminal wealthy classes and whispers sweetly in their ears, "You have done nothing wrong."
An obscene, self promoting maskhara sells vulgarity on the screens citing and reciting from the sacred books of the Deen.
TV and movie actors imitate the already corrupted and unreal reality around them and then reality is made in the image of that imitation art and.... It is an infinite regress, a race to the bottom.
Social justice warriors scream and protest, make a lot of ugly noise, both on screen and off screen, until they receive their salvation ticket from the lords of humanity: a visa to a worldly paradise in the modern West.
Whiskey guzzling, cocaine sniffing power elites after adequately programming and training them, let the head chopping, self blowing jihadi monsters loose upon the PSL and Coke Studio watching narcotized and bamboozled awam (the public).
Perverse hustling is the new religion of the land. Everything's for sale: people, town, country, dignity, respect, principles, laws, morality and conscience...
The spectacle of spectacles: TV "senior" anal-ysts analyze nothing that really needs critical analysis and, instead, constantly engage in anus gazing.
Too many preachers and reformers but the only progress is a steady decline and constant regress in the most basic forms of human decency.
The fraud of CPEC: The Sick of the Centre tell the deceived of the periphery, "Forget the rickety trawlers and the fish. Soon you will all be eating Papa Jones Pizza. Very soon, you all will be developed to death."
Social media: everybody now has the full freedom and the right to bully and blackmail everybody else.
Mera jism, meri marzi: yes, the jism is yours but the marzi is not yours at all. It would be nice if it really were your marzi.
The naked emperor threatens everybody who dares to talk about his non-existent clothes.
Religious Violence vs. Secular Violence
Force is part and parcel of nature. Any denial of this fact is itself an act of violence.
As a means to an end, ideally speaking, religious force (which is always carried out to restore mizan, or equilibrium) has one very important and distinct feature. Every act of outward force, or violence against the "other" or the world, is at the same time countered or balanced with a much bigger effort, or violence against the self. The first is the smaller battle (jihad e asghar) and the latter, the larger battle (jihad e akbar). Only in this way the outer violence is justified in authentic religious worldview. And this is also the meaning of Imam Ali's (AS) double-edged, twin-tipped sword, The Zulfiqar: one cannot fight the demons without (outside), without also fighting the bigger demons within. In other words, this is a combination of action and contemplation, one can never be without the other. Now compare this ideal with contemporary force, or violence, that is carried out in the name of religion.
Theodicy, or the problem of evil
Where there is light, there is shadow, too. That is how we should see the problem of evil vis-a-vis goodness. Man wants light and when light is made available for him, he protests and cries, "Why is there shadow?"
"If God is, whence come evil things? If He is not, whence comes good?"
(Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy).
Observe and understand the symbols in the daily prayer: when you stand upright, you are the Khalifa Allah; in prostration, you are Abd Allah. Man is both lord and vassal in the castle. Only when he is a vassal to the Lord of the lords, he can be a lord of the castle; otherwise, he is nothing but a lowly servant to all the other (pseudo) lords.
Contemporary Pakistan: Orwellian contradictions all around
The mullahs corrupt and destroy religion; lawyers destroy the laws, judges dispense injustice; teachers destroy education; doctors destroy health and well being; politicians destroy politics and damage democracy (whatever that means now); journalists and TV anchors distort truth and lie through their teeth; the police create fear, protect the criminals, murder the innocent and destroy public trust; the men in uniform encourage all this corruption, this decadence and, therefore, help destroy all state institutions, save their own.
Pakistan: some of us are innocent. Some are ignorant. Some are the victims. Others, the victimizers. Some, the oppressed; others, the oppressors. But we are ALL responsible.
(to borrow from Rabbi Joshua Heschel)
Hope: there is a lot of it still there. In the dark ocean of inhumanity which is becoming darker and meaner by the day, like a huge eutrophic lake, these powerful rays of light still penetrate and sustain life. Find them, join them, become light and save yourself.
For more: On Belief , The Two Perspectives , Religiosity
And some more: Harf e Dervaish # 10 , Illuminations # 1
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Illuminations #2 (Urdu)
صبر ۔ شکر۔ توبہ
For more, Illuminations #1 Harf e Dervaish#6 Harf e Dervaish #2, Solitude
Illuminations #1 (Urdu)
For more: Harf e Dervaish #9 Harf e Dervaish #7 Lament for Qta.
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